Friday, October 31, 2008

Making out: The mom and dad

Making out: The mom and dad


Another sleepless night as I finally have no reason to stay up, other than my head has a new idea for my work. A chapter I would like to ponder is that of public affection, and of affection made well known within the home. No I am talking about making out in front of the kids but rather just being openly in love to where the kids pass by the kitchen and tell mom and dad, "get a room" Oh wait that's my story.

I had to write my new idea for the next chapter or I will forget by morning.



P.S. Some of my work is posted on here so please –DON'T TRY AND PLAGIARIZE! For I will hunt you down………---- and I will huff and I will huff and I will blow your house down………. JK (that means just kidding).

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Story of Us



A Theoretical Movie Review of The Story of Us:

A Marriage Derailed From a Cognitive Behavioral Perspective

Ann Marie Godines

Texas A & M University Corpus Christi


A Theoretical Movie Review of The Story of Us: A Marriage Derailed From a
Cognitive Behavioral Perspective

Marital bliss is that feeling we get, when everything is going according to plan, but when it crashes with our reality, days are suddenly unbearable, and that blissful feeling you shared is unexpectedly, far from our reach. Rob Reiner's (1999) The Story of Us is a story of love, a story of forgiveness, and a story of a family, caught up in the whirlwind of the day to day hustle where families try to coexist. The movie presents how two people can easily find themselves caught up in a days worth of circumstances, trying to cope with matters at hand, yet lashing out at the ones you love most. Life happens to the best of us, it happens to most of us actually. For Ben (Bruce Willis) and Katie (Michelle Pfeiffer) Jordan, their disconnected ideas of marriage clashed after 15 years, as they found they were no longer on the same page. Couples would stay in this blissful place, if only both spouses spoke the same tone, stayed on the same page, and never got off track. Unfortunately, life is just not that perfect, and families go through hardships and they do struggle. This movie shows you the "highs" and the "lows" (Nelson & Zweibel, 1999) literally of two people with two kids all of a sudden questioning the strength of their marriage.

The movie begins with Ben and Katie Jordan who discover they are at complete odds with their marriage after 15 years. Katie thinks Ben should be more accountable, and Ben thinks Katie should be less controlling. Their characters are that of two individuals trying to find their balance in a much hustled life. You have the father who is a writer, who often forgets to do simple household tasks, and the mom who is a crossword puzzle designer and writer, who takes the role of structuring the family, including Ben. Then there are their two kids, Erin and Josh. Erin (Colleen Rennison) is the daughter who senses the tension between her parents and is literally joining her parent's hands together, a sign that she needs to reassure her, that her parents still love each other. Then there is Josh (Jake Sandvig) who is similar to his dad, but does not let up to feeling the tension between his parents. As the storyline unfolds, you also have the friends who have a crude sense of humor about their own marriages. The discussions arise about how much is considered fair play, and how a simple little amendment to the marital rules could lessen the marital stressors, as well as topics of adultery and just where exactly is that fine line? The movie showed what it is like for a married couple if and when, idealistic views are not met.

Katie refers to her marriage as that of Crockett Johnson's Harold in Harold and the purple crayon (1983). Harold draws his life, his adventures and when an obstacle arises, he simply draws himself out of that situation. How nice it would be, if only life was like that. For Katie she truly thought that she could paint her ideal marriage and that Ben would draw his world exactly as hers. She chose that book, because for her it was "everything she wasn't" (Nelson & Zweibel, 1999). Katie Jordan saw her marriage as that of having a purple crayon in her hand and drawing a marriage as seen from her eyes. Problem was that she did not allow for any blunders, and if they existed or surfaced, then it became an issue for both of them. Ben on the other hand, was the spontaneous, carefree, not good at planning, constantly joking, as he was the type of husband who mostly turned everything into a funny. Problem there, was that in Katie's eyes, he was childlike, in many areas not responsible enough to put wiper fluid in the car, forgetful of the 'honey-do's' which always seemed to annoy Katie. It was coming home from a romantic vacation only to find months worth of newspapers on the lawn because he simply forgot to take care of that request. The disciplining of the kids also became an issue. Feelings began to erupt into jealousy, resentment, anger, frustration, and stress when things just did not move in the structured way that Katie had anticipated. Control was another issue that affected their marriage. Ben assumed that Katie would take care of things. This story of real life, of real pain, of real love was very well represented of the many lives that do go through these real life situations. The arguments that finally led to their departing to mutual corners, while awaiting some sort of reconciliation, was that of Katie feeling she was doing more than the other, and Ben thinking things had just been blown out of proportion. The movie illustrated how thoughts can be individually perceived and expected to fulfill that perception, only to find that two people do not always think alike. Even in love, we tend to be head strong about our schema and fight about who is right and who is wrong. It is the attitude we have that deciphers our words, that later turn into resentment and hurt.

The movie briefly touched on Katie's mother who was controlling, and structured with high standards. Ben sees Katie trying to be like her mom thus arguments ensue. The message presented is not unlikely of what a married couple goes through. There is lighthearted humor, romance, emotional outbursts, and the movie definitely emulates married life. Ironically when Ben has taken the role of himself and not Katie's Ben, he immediately gains his own sense of identity, strength and suddenly feeling accountable looking at himself through her eyes. Katie sees that Ben can manage without her, which sparks an awakening that she is no longer in control and it emotionally devastates her. The arguments suddenly become grief and fear that she may longer have her best friend, and her husband of 15 years. Theirs is a story of affection, of real life disappointments, of being married and suddenly there are kids and then the realization that their kids are suddenly dependent on them. It is a story of encouragement to families who fall in love, who get frustrated with each other, get annoyed when stress settles in, and become dismayed when things don't go according to plan.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy uses several approaches that pay close attention to the "attitudes, thoughts, and expectations," (Peterson and Nisemholz, 1999) because it is our own mental emotional processes that often decide our words. Cognitive Therapy looks at the thoughts behind the outbursts, the behaviors erupted based on emotion. It also looks at the hopes carried by individuals when their view is unrealistic. This can lead to unmet expectations, thus leaving a person unhappy, and with a feeling of being let down. Cognitive Behavioral Theory addresses the issue of marital conflict and communication as shown in the movie directed by Rob Reiner (1999). Neither Ben nor Katie stopped for a moment to see the marriage through each others eyes, until it was almost too late. When things did not get done as demanded, then it was the insults that soon came. When personal thoughts decided the arguments, then the behaviors of slamming doors, of sleeping apart, of hurting each other emotionally, soon followed. Cognitive Therapy takes the stressors and individually deals with those to find a reframed thinking of the instant thoughts that immediately come to mind. Donald Meichenbaum's Theory of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (as quoted in D' Andrea et al., 2006), speaks to the issues that were evident in the movie. It is the way we think and feel that lead us to our consequences says Meichenbaum. For Katie, she saw herself drawing her own personal schema, and that just would not allow for error. Ben saw her as becoming her mother, rather than just seeing Katie as the woman he fell in love with. When they eventually changed the way they thought as individuals, they were then able to interpret their reality so that they were on the same page.

If only two people could share this amazing love for each other, that would sustain any and all possible setbacks that surface throughout the years as a couple, then married life would certainly become more bearable. That is what many couples strive for when they are reflecting on their marriage. I absolutely enjoyed and was deeply moved by this movie. It depicts real life, real love stories that are relentlessly evident in our society. In the movie, Ben commented how he thought marriage was forever, truly suggestive of the vows 'till death do us part'. There was a strong emotional connection on my behalf during and after watching this movie. It spoke to me so much that I was in complete tears with the closing moments. It is a story that can speak easily to many marriages, mine included. Married 19 years to date, however I recall those issues of chaos, of working full time, of being a mother, structuring the day by day lives of three children, of balancing a budget, of making sure the repairs got done, and griping when things did not match up with my personal plan. It is easy to assume the world revolves around us. The turning point for our marriage was learning to change the way we thought about tasks, and the talents we each brought to the marriage. The movie touched on how Katie's strengths did not necessarily mean Ben's faults or lacking there of. Katie and Ben did not spend much time managing their stress levels, but rather blaming each other for the stress they were enduring. Learning to manage stress (D' Andrea et al., 2006) rather than avoiding it is also a strategy of Cognitive Therapy. Changing one's cognitions helps to change behaviors such as the immediate behavior response that is emitted from the emotional thoughts felt momentarily about issues at hand. CBT Theory targets the mindset behind the consequences.

This movie speaks to families all over, the hardships that families go through as the love for one another, becomes something easily forgotten. The feeling of being in love, of allowing ourselves to think it is not always about us, and that we can see ourselves through their eyes. When we are open to a reframed thinking, then we are open to the marriage. That is what this movie is about. It is so easy to get derailed when we simply allow ourselves to leave things as is, in hopes that the yelling will eventually stop. It is about cognition, about the emotions behind the spoken words, about coping with stress so that the marriage is more communicable. Marital bliss can exist and couples can indeed coexist, for it is our perceptions that can lead us closer -or farther apart.


D' Andrea, M., Ivey, A.E., Ivey, M.B., Simek-Morgan, L. (2006). Theories of counseling and psychotherapy: A multicultural perspective. (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.

Johnson, C. (1983). Harold and the purple crayon. New York: Harper Collins Publishers.

Nisenholz, B., Peterson, J.V. (1999). Orientation to counseling. (4th ed.). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Zweibel, A. (Producer), Nelson, J. (Producer), & Reiner, R. (Director). (1999). The Story of Us [Motion picture]. United States: Culver Studios.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Is what you create. It is a moment that has been gifted to you to share yourself with another person. To share ‘the you’ that God has created and enhance ‘the you’ that you could be. Marriage is love, it is intimacy, it is gleaming with light, it is that a walk in the park, a drive with the rooftop down, cozy cold winters, quiet moments, and it is truly a special relationship. Cherish it! Live it! Be a part of it!

Too often we live in it but we fail to live it. When I say live it, I mean really share that life with your spouse. It is the most beautiful thing that God has given us. -and smile. smile in love. Totally be in love!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Harold and his purple crayon is

a lot like me, or shall I say I am like him. I have this idea of this world according to me because it's a world I dream of.

If I was to draw my world it would like this:

With my purple crayon in hand I draw green grass, rainy days, dark and cool evenings, God, me with a cup of warm green tea, hot cocoa (the homemade one that i make), highlights in my hair (i miss the salon), pedicures, God, my blankie, foot rubs, true friends, not the plastic kind, porcelain houses (Dept 56), vintage purses, vintage everything, antique furniture, a new carpet, everyday a Sunday, happy children, laughter, clean bedroom, clean desk, church, painted toe nails, loud 80s music, music that I can sing loudly and not be ashamed to listen to some really good classic rock because parents are watching my every move, lots of rainy days, dark blue evenings, cozy couches, lots of hugs and kisses with Dave :), sarcastic movies that my mother said I couldn't watch as a child, horror flicks that make my toes curl, love stories that make me smile,romance, lots of hugs again, church, God, couch time with Dave, a clean house, friends over for dinner, sharing my testimony, cheese dip, BBQ's, dates, more music, all kinds of music, not so much country, but some, a big black Chevy truck with tan leather seats, holding hands with dave, an egg collection, Christmas year round, Marvin Gaye, a little funky music, and other drawings of hidden secrets..............................

Monday, October 27, 2008

A day in my world

today is such a beautiful day that the girls decided to go on a picnic. The Talley girls thought it would be nice to meet up at Dennis park for lunch. They loaded up a basket with some goodies, mac & cheese and chicken nuggets. I didn't have any water bottles for them so they decided to drive over to stripes on the way. I get a call that Krissy just fell and all i heard was blood. Soooo I hop in the car, JD & I drive over to Yorktown and Cimarron and find Krissy in great spirits but with a nicely banged up knee, ankle and leg. she'll end up with some bruises---- she bruises if you just breathe on her. She gets that from me. We girls bruise easily. Anyhow, I load up her bike in the car while Lauren, Michelle, Cassidy and Chelsey head on over to Dennis park. I need to get Krissy home to clean her up as if she was four again. I drive her to the park to meet up with the girls, then to CVS to load up on medical first aid supplies. Then I get her home, bandage her up and thus far, my day has been non-productive. I scored some mommy points but I lost some research time. It's all part of the grand big scope of things. My life as it reveals itself is pretty interesting. To me anyway.......... Then Dave calls that he has ripped his last good pair of work pants. JD is late with school work today, Krissy is in her drama zone, also behind on school work today. Lauren is laughing at the notion of Krissy having to take a bathe. Michelle is finding humor in our day and now I must try and re-focus myself into my research once again. The day is not over and we have already entertained a day in the life of mom.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Passion of Mind

wow, what an amazing movie. It's really late but I had to write a few thoughts before morning so i could be able to write with excitement as soon as I awake. Demi Moore in an outstanding performance. I have all this inner psychology suddenly exploding with excitement. I am really excited about the psychoanalysis theory and how it relates to her repressed thoughts. Maybe not psychoanalysis but rather a theory dealing with multiple personality disorder as a result of grief and repression. Was I meant to be a psychologist instead of just a Psychotherapist? I need to get to bed so i can be early to write, write, write.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Drama infestation

I just can't do it. This is just one of those places and moments in life that I get completely annoyed about. I don't understand it. It's officially my pet peeve. I am just at complete odds with my life right now. I am at odds with selfless people who continue to lash out at us and act as if it is all about them and only them. Forgive me for being angry Lord but at this moment I am in just an angry place and I am too annoyed. How could this have become so messy when it was all done in your name? Why when we did the right thing, it was the wrong thing even to those who have Christian eyes. I just don't get it. Pray for my heart because it is simply at odds with all those around me.

I know we must go through this to honor you but I don't like it. I will accept it and continue to pray and hope that others will eventually just leave us alone and let us continue serving you, moving forward and just let us worship where we want.

I know we must also be the bigger person, but my question is what then when you do that and they lash out even more?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Amazing because she is

it's like this. God says carry this cross for it is just for a while and I am honored that he has called me to bear this cross for I know I am not alone. It is through this time that I know my Lord Jesus is with me, that he loves me, that he sees what has happened and I will trust only he to lead us through this temporary setback.

I am strong, yes hurt............... but strong. God thank you for making my daughter stronger than I. She is a precious gift and her light...............the light that you have allowed her to shine even brighter Lord has been our strength. Lord keep me calm for I too get angry in times of today, times of yesterday, times of weeks, times from months past. Lord just hear my heart and know that I trust you.

I am totally praising you in this storm Lord. I do not understand it............ but I give it all to you---- for I know there is a plan...........Thank you God for Krissy! She is a lightening bolt on fire for you. I am proud to call her my baby. What a blessing she is. Amazing because she is.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

becoming me

I’m told I must find my theoretical rationale yet I am stuck in the middle of living a rationale. Hmm? Watching things around me crater, friends treat each other as enemies, kids manipulate their lives in such ways that even I don’t know what rationale that would fall under. Possibly stupidity---- but that has not exactly been theoretically defined. Narcissism, pathological, self centered is what exists but I must focus on person centered. Give me a break! I am supposed to see the good and healthy when they can’t even see it themselves. Interesting when those who have the opportunity to have life chose to destroy it and live it NOT according to what God has suggested. The world I live in is not only filled with devious and conniving narcissism but it is filled with people who are that far off that they really don’t see how broken they are. Finding my own personal rationale is not as easy as they make it seem. I am stuck between living it and finding it. --Crazy how that works.

I guess that’s why it is suggested to focus on those who come to you. Problem is I want to focus on even those who don’t want the help. I suppose this would be Gods rationale. Why isn’t his rationale in the text book of educating counselors?

Well here’s to finding me along the way as I begin choosing my theoretical pathway to helping others……………………………………

Friday, October 10, 2008

Are you a Christian?

So it occurred to me that saying you are ‘Christian’ is something that I get easily annoyed with especially when you say you are Christian and you act entirely opposite of what it truly means to be Christian. If you are going to say you are Christian than be Christian but don’t dishonor the rest of us who are proud to be a part of Gods greater world, by saying that you are following his ways when you are freely acting out in some narcissistic manner according to your own interpretation of what it means to be Christian.

In case anyone was wondering, when you say you are Christian, you actually are saying that you love God, that you will follow his ways, that you will NOT submit yourself to the worldly sins, the worldly mannerisms that make us become who God does NOT want us to become. He provides a stronghold of love for you to easily grab unto. He is by far constantly fighting for your life, fighting for your heart, and it is a battle that he is constantly willing to do on a daily basis, yet you choose to create a superficial mindset that declares to you that Christian is something you can wear on a t-shirt, but be pathologically misconstrued in the sense when you are living contradicting Gods words.

Let me define Christianity for you: One who professes belief in Jesus as Christ or follows the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus. --One who lives according to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

When we live according to Christianity, we truly honor and respect that he is our father and he is almighty, he is all powerful, he is everything we should all strive to be.

It’s not easy to rebuke the ways of the world but if you can’t find a way or refuse to believe that your ways are not Christian than be mature and figure out what it is to be a Christian before you say you are.

God is an amazing and powerful influence and if we just submit to his ways and love as he wants us to love to be humane NOT human, to be a Christian by heart. BY HEART!!!!!

I am saddened that this is so difficult for the world to comprehend.
When you truly love Jesus, that world is so much better than the world we are exposed to.

My thoughts are that if you say you are Christian--- then live it. Don’t take that precious honor and disrespect my father by saying that you are a Christian.

Question: "What is a Christian?"

Answer: Webster’s Dictionary defines a Christian as “a person professing belief in Jesus as the Christ or in the religion based on the teaching of Jesus.” While this is a good starting point in understanding what a Christian is, like many secular definitions, it falls somewhat short of really communicating the biblical truth of what it means to be a Christian.

The word Christian is used three times in New Testament (Acts 11:26; Acts 26:28; 1 Peter 4:16). Followers of Jesus Christ were first called “Christians” in Antioch (Acts 11:26) because their behavior, activity, and speech were like Christ. It was originally used by the unsaved people of Antioch as a kind of contemptuous nickname used to make fun of the Christians. It literally means, “belonging to the party of Christ” or an “adherent or follower of Christ,” which is very similar to the way Webster’s Dictionary defines it.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

this is the life!!!

What a beautiful morning it is with my three babies all here at home beginning the day with God. I cannot express to you how that feels. Krissy has brought so much of Gods love into the school day. Truly amazing that God can be a great part of your school day. She turned on her Christian music on her cell phone and that is what we are all listening to as they do morning devotionals and bible study. At 11 a.m. we begin with academics, PSAT, algebra, history, literature, etc….. God I thank you for this blessing. My heart is overjoyed with this blessing!!!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Deal with it

so today really stinks. overload of homework. Research papers, counseling strategies, yard work, groceries, laundry, bills to be paid, a desk with papers that need shuffling..............My daughter comes to me about wanting to be home schooled which I totally support but really some people just don't know how to support a God thing. I am really fed up with friends thinking that our choice in homeschooling our children is something that needs more thought. I would absolutely do anything for my kids so to give this more thought is not an option because when it comes to my babies, they have my first and foremost heart. God has truly inspired my family and has blessed us with this feeling of always wanting to be closer to him. God is truly touching our hearts and for my daughter to ask to join my school along with her brother & sister is a gift from our heavenly father. deal with it!

Alpha & Omega Christian Scholars Academy is a school for kids who love Christ with all their heart and are academically ready to focus on braving the real world. That world is God's world and as long as we live in it, we should live by his truth. Nothing wrong with getting academically intelligent along the way. You know homeschooling is not a bad thing. It totally rocks!!!!! The food is great at AOCSA and we are the best dressed school. It's all about the PJ's. Best of all, everyone starts with Gods word, and it's only smiles, less stress, hard work, but great tutors who really care.

Our Lord Jesus Christ says that when two or three or more are gathered in my name, then there am I in their midst.

There is five of us. Dave (Superintendent), Marie (Principal), Michelle (scholar), Krissy (scholar) and JD (scholar). =God with us

Just thought I had to put this out there.


It's Monday! Sorting through finances is such a dreaded thing for me. we are trying so hard to stay humble and keep all of our finances ...