Thursday, January 8, 2009

so much to do so little time

The To-Do list:

I need to get my revision in soon for publication. I was hoping to see my article in print next month but might be March. I am so behind.

Move on Friday the 16th

paint the walls

transfer services

change address

school the kids

purchase a new computer


class on Tuesday and Thursday at TAMUCC

and the list goes on................

Not feeling so healthy

So this has been a week all its own. With all the packing for the move into our new home, at the end of the day, I am just flopped over, dead tired. We started homeschooling the kids again from the break on Monday of this week. It took me three long days to plan lessons, get organized for all 3 kids. Wow! Glad I did it.

Also my heart thing is sort of back again. Sort of afraid to tell David, but it started back up a few weeks ago. Back to the same old chest pains, hard to breathe, blood pressure is up. BUT between homeschooling the kids, Grad school, and running our household, at the end of the day I am just so overwhelmed and exhausted that I can't even sleep because the insomnia keeps awake. I'm doing my best to keep myself calm so my blood pressure doesn't get so high. It is probably just the move, the schooling, Grad school, being super woman and a lack of sleep. I pray that this chest pain just stop. It really scares me.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Hello 2009

Happy New Year to our special friends!

It is just so hard to believe that 2009 is here, and a new year is beginning. We have certainly had a year filled with changes, new experiences, and we feel blessed that God has taught us so much in just one year. What a blessing for us a family, to experience God’s revelations and plans for our life. Throughout 2008 we said good bye to some very dear and special friends, but we also welcomed new and cherished friends into our lives. Those of you who live far from us are still in our hearts, and we just cannot wait to take a trip as a family for a visit.
This year we began homeschooling all three of the kids. -JD first, then Michelle which was a surprise then Krissy an even bigger surprise. Now we are AOCSA: Alpha and Omega Christian Scholars Academy.

Michelle took her PSAT and scored quite well for an 8th grader. She is hoping to finish the 8th grade quickly and move on to the ninth soon. Krissy is also doing extremely well. She received honors Status in, The National Society of High School Scholars. We were excited that they accepted our school as a transfer school for the society.

JD is glad that he does not have to take the TAKS test. His hobbies still include, dinosaurs, astronomy, reptiles, and he especially loves research projects. All in all, we stay very busy homeschooling all 3 kids, and it is indeed a blessing that I can do this for them. No matter how exhausted I am at the end of the day, I feel encouraged that David is home at 5:45 to fix all that needs fixing, me included. He is such an amazing person. He provides so that I can school the kids full time while in Grad school, which by the way is kicking my hiney. None the less I am excited to be one step closer to counseling couples. Recently I wrote a paper and it was chosen for publication. So,--Grad school is going well, hard but it is exciting. I do not know when I will receive Licensing, but I do know that the journey of counseling others is fulfilling for me. To be able to reach out to others when their worlds are so broken is quite an amazing opportunity for me, and I am so blessed that God has called on me to serve this way.

A little about Dave: He is still working a full time job, a part time job on three days out of the week, and he is the Principal of AOCSA. We are so grateful for how hard he works in order to put me through Grad school, and allow me to stay at home and school the kids. He also along with me continues to serve at Real Life Fellowship with the Youth.

In November we received word that the home we had lived in for the past 3 years was being put on the market. We finally found a great, amazing, and beautiful home on Sun valley. The house is so cute, and is just like our old house back in Alice with all the little extras and vintage personality. We get to move into the new home middle of January, that is, if the Realtor gets the carpet put in, and the painting done by then. We LOVE the house so much that we will try it, and if all goes well, we will definitely try and make an offer to buy the home. Keep us in prayer!
Krissy & Michelle are sharing the upstairs because it is so big that they can both share comfortably. Downstairs is 3 bedrooms, one for Dave & I with lots of cuteness, a room for JD, and the 3rd bedroom we will use as the office for homeschooling, computer, etc…

So as you can see it has been a great 2008, but we are so excited about the year 2009. Between home school, grad school, Counseling, serving at the church, a new place to call home, this year has already shown to be a great blessing to our family. We are too excited about moving day and all that this year has to offer us.
On behalf of the Godines family, we wish you all a very blessed and Happy New Year. You can always reach us by many methods as both Dave & I have face books, you can twitter us, email us, message us or look at our family blog.
We love you all! We are excited about the new church in Flour Bluff. It is amazing!!! The Godines family is busy, busy, busy. JD continues Science interests, Michelle History interests and Krissy is busy socializing. All 3 of our kids keep us quite entertained, exhausted, and you should here my slang. They have taught me more slang than I probably need to know. These are my favorite Krissy sayings: “You’re a freak of nature” and "Dude mom, you're not even cool"


It's Monday! Sorting through finances is such a dreaded thing for me. we are trying so hard to stay humble and keep all of our finances ...