Monday, February 23, 2009

My prayer today

I am so behind with all my life and days just seem to get shorter by the week. My weeks have become days and months become weeks. I ask God everyday for patience for love for guidance and for grace because I know I cannot do this alone. Homeschooling three kids has been so difficult especially with Grad school, counseling, Youth, my church life and home life. Finding a balance is a difficult task but I know the balance gets shifted one way or another. Problem is it gets shifted more towards my church and home life which for me is awesome. I am blessed by that but then the reality of deadlines has to put a damper on my bliss.

Today I began with a great spirit in hopes to assign the kids a weeks worth of assignments which I did, but then it was time to cook, chores, bills, bible study which by the way I am behind 3 days and trying to catch up today as it is due tomorrow. Between homeschooling, cleaning, Grad school, exams, assignments, and now a Library research study, I am so overwhelmed. Every week it just gets a bit busier. Just one more thing added to my plate.

I did take a moment to read with JD, study outdoors with him, make the kids crispy treats, and fancy gourmet hot dogs, but look it is now 7 p.m. and I am just now getting started on the me stuff.

I had a set back after testing Krissy for a practice SAT and realizing we needed to work harder. So, I took a moment to analyze each question with her and assigned her some new words to define and comprehend.

Lord, please hear me and know that I need you to somehow grant me strength to home school the kids, finish the deadlines for this week, listen to a friend in need, support one of our youth through a difficult time, study your word, and make a trip to the Library to do my research that is due Thursday and submit my exam tonight as well as complete my Experiential activity, plus the assigned homework for Psychometrics. I know crying doesn’t help but right now tears is all I got coming out and my body is tired and with Dave home only three days, life is so difficult with just me and I really need you.



It's Monday! Sorting through finances is such a dreaded thing for me. we are trying so hard to stay humble and keep all of our finances ...