Saturday, November 29, 2008


Tired, sleepy, exhausted, papers, projects, focus, kids are laughing, I'm writing, I wish I was out there, JD wants me to decorate the tree, December 4th cannot come soon enough, miss David, house hunting.....

Why can't I just be done with the semester?

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas

This week the trend

Best part of our week was Pete & Sherry Brooks. If you don't know them, they are awesome!!!!! Pete loved on our family and he brought Christ into our home. Christ was already there sort of by knowledge, but one 'Good Friday', Pete brought it home for us, and ever since then, we are on fire. God is the best part of our days everyday!!!

Wow, what a week. We had all sorts of changes, transitions, awakenings, revivals, growth, forgiveness, school chaos, home school over load, counseling, ........... Life definitely happens at our home regularly. But what a blessing to have friends visit, days filled with fellowship, and surprises.

So, I have this paper to write, a project I have not started, counseling techniques to master which I stink at by the way, a final exam that is kicking my ankles, a house filled with Christmas decorations, containers, and no time to get to the grocery store.

We had several kids as we normally have kids in the house on a daily basis. We wouldn't be happy if we didn't have kids visit daily. Luckily my girls cook for them. The best part was Pete & Sherry dropping by. Dude! That was awesome!!!!

Kids made me breakfast today as I was working on my final exam and Michael and his friend Stephen brought joy to our home as they joined in on the tree decorating which has now given me the best idea ever. I'm all about traditions, and with the kids friends coming by to decorate, well I have decided to start a new tradition.

Continue our Grizwald tree shopping but then decorate it throughout the week and as guests come by to let everyone participate in the decorating till it is all done.

The house is still a mess, I am still writing my paper, and although I am stuck in the middle of this Grad school nightmare, I am feeling blessed because God has turned my week around and life at the Godines home is back on track. God is good! God is great! all the time, all the time he is good!!!!!

Back to paper writing. : ( Kids just left to McDonalds for burgers. Do they ever get tired?

Friday, November 28, 2008

Letting go

Letting go finally and moving forward. What a relief to finally move on. I think.
So we hit a bump in the road, but we have to just move forward like David says. If only I shared his back bone. Sometimes it can come in handy.

I am confident that God will heal and that God will provide comfort.
I don't care for the mean tactics but what do you do?
I have never been one to fight back.
I don't like favoritism.
Pride is such a waste.
I also don't like rock throwing.
I don't agree with having "eyes and ears" because
that should be left to God and God alone.

I guess I am relieved. maybe in time...........

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Another day as mom

So we woke up, had breakfast, cleaned the house, but still trying to help Krissy through a tough day. Maybe we will go shopping today. What 16 year old wouldn't enjoy a day of shopping for new clothes. I was saving money but I think this would be a great day for uplifting shopping with my daughter. I am thankful that many have come and loved on her the way they have.

When a daughter has a broken heart it's as real as it gets for them. So you try and cushion the pain and keep her busy. Dave my husband has a bad attitude as a daddy does and in his colorful language uplifts her in his way but I choose to seek God out and the mall. What a crazy messed up family we are. I guess we are as real as you get. While my philosophy is quite different then Dave's and as much as I disagree with his mannerism to the situation, I choose to encourage her to love bigger!!!!

Being the bigger person isn't always easy but it is what God wants us to do. So we ask for prayer that healing will prevail. In the mean time as a mom, and as I truly think all moms should care enough to encourage their children to forgive, to love and reach out in peace.

If we can't teach our young how to be Christ-like, then why did he entrust them to us?

I have learned something very important about parenting. Let the kids fight it out but always encourage forgiveness and teach them to be loving.

My mistake is preventing them from the fight. Hmm, that's a toughy..... Sort of like you can do no wrong but you are always wrong. It's crazy.

Another day in the life of mom. God bless

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

God untangles my messes

....and I can create some pretty big messes. Thank you God for always loving me.

--Coming close to ending a chapter, a year in my life, but certainly starting a new chapter. Things I have learned, while some are hard lessons, and some are of love and friendship…..I certainly have learned to appreciate my own family. We spent many days opening our home to so many, and learned that some came with sincere and genuine love, and others came with not quite a friendly heart. We have certainly seen people come and go, and lives have changed, and friendships have been broken, some reborn, some more distant. Part of being in this ministry, and probably the hardest for me, was to watch as kid’s lives transformed, some good some bad.

Lessons learned that hit close to heart, my family’s heart, were those of friends to our children who left, came back and the friendships that were strongest survived through Gods will. What a gift!!! God is truly powerful.

Recently our family, as a result of our leadership, went through even more change. It is often difficult to be a parent and a leader all at the same time. Wow, have I learned some hard lessons. But I am pleased with the outcome that God has chosen for me.

I have certainly learned all about forgiveness. Wow have I learned my fair share of forgiveness this year. I think it has made me stronger and allowed me to love some very special people. Even if for just a while they were a part of my life, I am so blessed to have shared some amazing friendships. While I shed many tears because I didn’t agree with outcomes God has chosen, I smile today because I am comforted by his grace that it is all a part of his plan for me.

My focus is solely on my kids and as we close the year, we look forward to new beginnings because God is all about forgiveness. I am taking the lessons learned, and creating new and wiser relationships with those we encounter. As my wise husband said in his very colorful language, …………“I guess I can’t exactly share what he said…..”

I am married to an amazing man who is truly my best friend. He has inspired me to trust again, but carefully and wiser. Not so easy to trust even a little, after the year I have had.

Awesome thing is, that I had some amazing friends in Christ, who were there to help me pick up the pieces, even when it was my fault. I thank them for still loving me even when I had a big stupid mouth. It’s a cyclical process of friendship and while some stay in your circle, some do bounce away and take their own paths. It doesn’t matter if your 13 or 39. We all go through similar changes just at different levels. I am grateful for God’s love because in the end he is who I should have pleased. Why don’t we just get that?? Could it be I’m human?

I am trusting God to reveal his plan for me and to create in me a heart, to move forward and accept the change and grow from it.

So with that said, I am just wife, mom, home school teacher, Counselor in progress, Grad student, and a child of God. I continue to minister using all those gifts!!!

God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving!

Marie Godines

Monday, November 24, 2008

A special day

Tonight David & I celebrated our family Thanksgiving a little early but since we will be gone this week, we decided to give thanks today. We had a great day filled with youth, the melson's and Leona. What an amazing evening with all the noise, --luckily nothing got broken, a few bruised kids, a torn pair of jeans and the turkey was moist and didn't burn.

We ended up having plenty of food for the whole week. We shared Thanksgiving with our church family teens. Dave shared a special prayer of thanks, friendship and forgiveness and spoke to our youth as he expressed his love for them. We all took turns sharing a special prayer and we held hands. We had a big circle. That was awesome!!!

On the menu was turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, (Chelsey made the best potatoes ever!), corn, rolls, gravy ( first time I ever made gravy), dressing, cornbread casserole, mac & cheese, tons of pies, cookies, desserts, desserts and oh my gosh, Richard brought a gourmet pecan pie to die for. Sooooo delish!!!! Jenny was an angel and she just made my day with all her hugs, her smile and laughter. Katie & Brittnie made the day special. Katie & Jennie rocked the Twister game. Chelsey & Becca made Krissy smile. The younger siblings were great competitors at Twister. The boys shared their underwear and Connor & I made a mess in the kitchen. So we couldn't find the pot holder but socks was the next best thing. Ran out of forks, so we used spoons. Apparently i didn't know the turkey thaws for 4 days. I bought the turkey yesterday. he actually turned out ok. Richard......I just adore Richard!!! Phillip was Phillip and we love him. Grant hugged Krissy and made her smile. Chris, well, Chris was on my roof. I think he even ate up there. Jon Hadden was a dear and I just wuv him. We really enjoyed the kids. They made our day extra special!!!!! Luckily we only sent home one accident to report to a mom. Whooo.

We really had a great Thanksgiving at the Godines home with the high school youth.

I am grateful for the food everyone shared, for how they all came together to share Thanksgiving with our family. Today was about sharing a love and friendship and I am grateful for those who came together to make this a special day. Fellowship is what brings friends and families together and today our church family joined us for a blessed celebration of our friendship, and leadership.

On behalf of Dave & I , we thank you for today. WE missed many kids so we keep them in prayer. We remember Anna who we said good bye to last week.

We will throw our Christmas party in December so hoping all can come back for a nice Christmas gathering.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Today the kids decided to do their schooling outside.
We got a really nice cold front in.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Who is Susie in your life?


Come with me to a third grade classroom..... There is a nine-year-old kid sitting at his desk and all of a sudden, there is a puddle between his feet and the front of his pants are wet. He thinks his heart is going to stop because he cannot possibly imagine how this has happened. It's never happened before, and he knows that when the boys find out he will never hear the end of it. When the girls find out, they'll never speak to him again as long as he lives.

The boy believes his heart is going to stop; he puts his head down and prays this prayer, 'Dear God, this is an emergency! I need help now! Five minutes from now I'm dead meat.'

He looks up from his prayer and here comes the teacher with a look in her eyes that says he has been discovered.

As the teacher is walking toward him, a classmate named Susie is carrying a goldfish bowl that is filled with water. Susie trips in front of the teacher and inexplicably dumps the bowl of water in the boy's lap.

The boy pretends to be angry, but all the while is saying to himself, 'Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord!'

Now all of a sudden, instead of being the object of ridicule, the boy is the object of sympathy. The teacher rushes him downstairs and gives him gym shorts to put on while his pants dry out. All the other children are on their hands and knees cleaning up around his desk. The sympathy is wonderful. But as life would have it, the ridicule that should have been his has been transferred to someone else - Susie.

She tries to help, but they tell her to get out. You've done enough, you klutz!'

Finally, at the end of the day, as they are waiting for the bus, the boy walks over to Susie and whispers, 'You did that on purpose, didn't you?' Susie whispers back, 'I wet my pants once too.'

May God help us see the opportunities that are always around us to do good..

Remember.....Just going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.

Each and everyone one of us is going through tough times right now, but God is getting ready to bless you in a way that only He can. Keep the faith.

Author: unknown (was sent by email to me)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Lord Do I walk through the valley....

In memory of Anna

Today we have lost a very special young lady Lord. Anna has gone home to you. I will always remember Anna and her smile and her excitement about loving you. Part of being a Youth leader is becoming a friend to these amazing kids and I cannot thank you Lord enough for giving me the opportunity to have this short time with her. She loved you and worshiped beautifully for you. I can still see her at the front at Youth with her eyes up towards you as she sang as an angel would. She was so excited about her new baby sibling on the way. What a blessing to all of us as she was always ready to serve. Anna touched my heart and I will miss her.

This song: "How He Loves" was one of her favorite worship songs. At camp, this song touched us all and it stayed in our hearts and reminded us that God loves each one of us. Anna stood up front of that stage everytime this sang was played and she just lifted her heart and soul to Christ as she expressed her love for our Lord Jesus Christ.


You will forever be missed. I know that you are in heaven. I rejoice because I know you are with my father, our father.

We love you!


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Leaders not friends

Serving: Is it a title, are we servants, are we friends or are we just leaders with titles………..?

Serving is a ministry that brings titles, but it is also a ministry that comes from the heart. If it doesn’t come from within our God gifted heart than why even serve? God says to be a light to others and it reminds me that as a light, we must love everyone and love genuinely for we just don’t know the lives around us. As I look to finding my rationale, I am reminded that serving must come from within my heart, and only from my heart can I truly be a great leader. In the bible it says "Knowing what is right is like deep water in the heart; a wise person draws from the well within. Proverbs 20:5 The Message

Boundaries: why must we have so many boundaries when kids already have so many of them? I am not speaking of crossing boundaries but I am saying just love, love all, love unconditionally, love with empathy, with genuineness and with a great respect for all those around us. As a counselor those are my core conditions. I will love you all with a complete compassion and friendship and if I fail, then I will make amends and seek guidance from my Lord on days that I have heard stories of abuse, of torment, of trauma, of death, of hatred, of fear, of being alone, of being homeless, of making mistakes, of being me, of being them……….. Why can’t we be friends? Who says that you cannot be a friend to a child, to a teen, to a homeless, to an elderly, to a stranger, to our own children…?

Love your children. People in my life teach me things about boundaries, about being a leader, but when I seek to be closest with my father, my God, I am reminded that in serving him, I must be me, the ‘me’ that loves with no strings attached. When I have boundaries, I find that my 'well' becomes blocked and I cannot get the abundance of water flow that needs to just transcend.

So my answer for leaders is to yes, have boundaries, but only the ones that are ethical. Should we be friends? Absolutely!!! Should we lead them to Christ? I knew this amazing man who was a friend first and then he led my family to Christ. Be friends! Love genuinely, have empathy, cry with others, be a light, love big, share stories, listen and let go of boundaries and just lead and love unconditionally! Leaders who are friends inspire, motivate and set examples that we will keep in our hearts forever. I am forever grateful for my friend and his love for my family. -----------Be a friend. It is then that we can lead them to Christ.

Just my thought for the day…………

Friday, November 14, 2008

Life is a highway by Michelle Godines

Life is a Highway

Lord, I find myself taking all the wrong exits on this highway called life.
Why are there so many loops and bridges?
I’m scared to miss the exits you desire for me to take.
So I give you the wheel.

I call shot gun. -Right beside you God.
But I find this seat hard and uncomfortable.
And so I jump to the backseat. Where I can see you at work in my life
-but I’m only watching….not doing anything about it.
I’m a horrible back seat driver, always trying to call the shots.
Acting like I know all about the road.
Fearful and lost in pride.

Then you hush me.
You leave me in awe.
I was lost I the hustle and bustle.
But now, all I see is you.

Sometimes this seems like a cycle.
Jump in the passenger seat then I’m back in the back seat.
Lord, help me to break this cycle.
My ignorance is shameful.
This is my prayer oh Lord!

I love you. Thank You!
Love Michelle

Written by: michelle Godines Age: 14

attack of today

so I had the kids have fun with their lessons today but why do my lessons keep piling up, and why does my stack continue to grow? I have my coffe, but by the time I solve an Algebra question from this morning for Krissy, JD has added Health & Mihelle is wondering when I'm making lunch. Not done solving Algebra crisis and Sissy is back in my cubby in need of English help. About to add another task. I love my life!!! I really do. I feel happy and blessed and loved. Michelle is making tostado bakes for us all.

The most amazing article

I have read in weeks!!!!!

I must share with all my homeschool friends.

The messy little corner

Analyzing this space of theirs............

What is with those chips? Those are a no no.

JD's tray is still filled. Hmmm???

I made homemade tacos. yummo.

Krissy & Michelle will kill me when
they find out I have posted this picture.

Chocolate milk is bad for you even though you
put it in skim milk.


This is our homeschool and we love it!!!!

AOCSA ( Alpha & Omega Christian Scholars Academy)

I'm dating God

I just had to share with you a story about Krissy being asked out by a guy this week. Krissy is 16 in the 11th grade and she received a call from a friend of hers who said he liked her and how she felt about that. She said aww that is sweet but

I am dating God right now.

Tears just poured out of my eyes.

I am a proud mommy!!!! This is our Sissy. She is a beautiful girl inside and out.

MY week in a pecan shell

What a week. I feel like I have all these thoughts I have missed releasing. This was by far one of my most trying weeks. With mid terms last week, papers, and the paper I stayed up till 5 a.m. completing just yesterday, then the quiz …I just felt so exhausted. I was completely worn out and crying just made it worse. Thank goodness for my husband who pulls me together on days that I literally crater. Then there is homeschooling the children.

I was just so set aside for 2 days with paper writing and mid term studies that for 2 days they were so self disciplined. It was impressive, and it just touched my heart how they continue to move in the direction we have already started. I love my kids. I am so proud of them.

We have been busy also working on: The scarlet letter (Krissy), To Kill a Mockingbird (Michelle) and now we are beginning a Newberry Award winner title selection for JD.

Then we are also working on vertebrates and I thought it would be fun for JD to choose one -- his choice and build a diorama of its natural habitat.

I also have a paper to write this weekend, a paper to revise as it qualified for submission to be published in a Counseling Journal. So exciting!!! I hope they publish my work. Then I have a family presentation to create. Once the semester is over, I can concentrate solely on just the kid’s classes and writing my book. Plus we still need to get our online book store finished and in business.

I was hoping to have The Lilly Pad Books up by today but not happening.

So much to do, but I always find comfort and hope because I am not alone. God truly carries me. If you don’t know him, you just have to trust me and trust in him. He is literally my rock.

If only you knew how difficult and stressful days are with home school, finances, tuition, Grad school, and I live through all these day to day life events and smile even when I am like a rag doll plopped over a chair that has suddenly become the closest thing in my life. God is there always!!!!! He blesses me with learning experiences, new friends………………God just continues to bless me.

I have so many thoughts.

But I will stop here.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Theirs is my strength

'Theirs' is my motivation and my strength
Today it is not my time but it is theirs.

For I was called to be something more than I thought possible.

My eyes are tired, my body weak. Shoulders in pain,

neck burried under rocks

-but if I don't work at these hours

then I can't be a teacher in the afternoon,

So I pray that God give me strength to be a leader, a friend,

a wife, a mother, a teacher and a student.

I know that I am not alone

but today has taken its toll on me and

I do feel certain that I may not get all my tasks completed by 6 a.m.

All-nighters for me are so difficult lately.

Time is so limited for my own tasks, but I promise to

always have time for them.

so, I work late, I work early and I work around 'theirs' so as to

not take away from theirs.

be blessed!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Michelle's Theory of Texting

Parents are always complaining about their kids always being on the phone and a more recent complaint is the fact and invention of text. My theory on this texting fad is, it is somewhat easier at times and less time consuming. I sometimes find myself on a phone for 2 hours at a time, but while texting I can have a conversation all day and still go on with all my regular activities. I think talking on the phone is sometimes more logical in certain situations. In other situations when you just want to have random conversation it’s easier to text. I personally think texting is fine. If you have unlimited text, then you might as well use it. The only thing in objection I have toward text is the following: (1) you should not text during dinner or family meals. (2) No texting at church (3) no texting if you are out or doing something with you family etc...

Maybe parents don’t really understand the whole ‘text’ thing, but if they can remember when all they really wanted to do was talk on the phone with there friends, well it’s the same with us teenagers today. -- Just minutes cost and texting is easier.

A note from the parent: I am posting Michelle's theory and hope to get some comments about her theoretical concept.

Happy Birthday Dave

God said that when two or three are gathered in his name that he is their in the midst of it all. God has truly been there with us, as we share a relationship that was built with a union of two people who share a love for God but also share a love for each other.

It is through that love that our children are loved.

I could not have asked for a better partner to share my life with, and raise our three smart, witty and beautiful children.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that we may have life. Our life is truly a gift from God and I am honored to share that life with you.

The road is sometimes hard, and often stressful. Our lives may endure setbacks, and then there are days that seem overwhelming. Even when we get off track, I always go back to this scripture because it is the scripture where it all began the day we got married.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Corinthians 13: 4-7

----And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of these is love. Corinthians 13:13

I am forever grateful to you for supporting us, for leading our family to God and for holding me together on days I am completely broken, and days that I feel I am spilling over with tasks, to-do lists, Grad school papers and projects, and homeschooling the kids.

You work two jobs (20 hours-our inside joke) just to make all this happen and we are so grateful!

I close with a final note as I know you love reading Psalms.

A psalm of David. Psalm 23

The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.
Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death, [a]
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD

Happy Birthday! All my love Marie

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

everything I once held dear

is quickly taking a new path and I am barely holding on.

Looks like after the degree plan meeting with my Grad school advisor, I must bundle up 4 classes at a time. I start counseling next year and need lots of practice before I can begin helping others.

What does this mean?

It means no Wed. night Youth for me.

It means more on my plate, one more course and I was barely functioning with 3 classes + homeschooling.

My life is just making so many changes................ I just don't know anymore.

Homeschool lessons


Homeschooling today

--Another day at home with the kids. Today we are taking care of quizzes, Krissy is working on her literature, Michelle on Health and JD is working on his geography skills. I am researching and trying to find an activity for The Scarlet Letter and To Kill a Mockingbird. I am slightly overwhelmed with researching, writing a paper that is due in 2 days for myself. This home of 4 educators and a dad is leaving me a bit in need of a foot rub, shoulder rub, and possibly a new chair for my desk.

Other than all the work we have ahead of us today, it is a beautiful day in homeschooling. We have our Christian,80s, 70s, some classical music going on our playlist.

Be blessed


Still processing

After being moved to tears tonight, hidden tears that is. I realized that I must continue working on my growth as a person so that I can be a servant to families, to teens, to children, to couples………….. I have decided to enroll in my Wed. class even though I have Youth. I will just rush from class to Youth group and make it 30 minutes late but I will be able to stay with them for the lesson, the afterwards………… I was nervous about doing this, but as I am working on finding me and my rationale, I think it is important to let God work on me as much as he can. He is not done with me yet and I am just so excited about how he is moving in me. He is creating a stir in me. I am making some really awesome friends on campus. It is good. My life is processing as we speak.

Monday, November 10, 2008

My weekend

After some time away from my church for reasons that i would like to keep to myself, I finally decided to go back and just get back in there. Dave and I really love working with Youth but it did seem that for a moment things just seemed to dismantle from the structure in which I had acomforted myself in. What to do when life takes a turn???? I have always been one to move, run away, and sometimes, okay so once and to never look back.

I should be proud of myself in that I am not running away and rather sticking it out because I know that God is an amazing greater picture to the whole small upset I took a stroll through.

So on my greater note, I have to say I was so happy to go our new church. What an awesome time for new beginnings. I needed one. I ran into people, it was awkward, I lived. What I learned was the most amazing thing though!!!! I learned to love bigger, I learned to smile still, to hug even though and to just be me. Will this comfort me through awkward times......? maybe not.
What I do know is that I am not alone.

Funny how stories only get deciphered through one's own perspective or perception for that matter. My consolation and comfort is in Christ and he alone will be my bestest friend.

In the meantime, I am making new friends. I ask that God not make me so cautious so that I might miss a wonderful friend opportunity.

be blessed! -marie

acomforted= my way of saying "in my comfy place"


It's Monday! Sorting through finances is such a dreaded thing for me. we are trying so hard to stay humble and keep all of our finances ...