Monday, November 9, 2009


I haven’t a clue why some things happen. Seems I’m learning more and more that you just never know. You simply just never know.

You get so wrapped up in so many daily rituals that sometimes you just get lost in all of it. For me,
…………because I am so high energy it’s hard to just be still.

This year, I had my fair share of learning experiences. I held on with all my heart and all my faith, but sometimes God has different plans and we just never know what they will be like, or if they will be happy, or if they will hurt. Hurt is one of those things I don’t handle well. I just have this insane idea that everyone is loving, and that we are all going to live happily ever after. “I know”………………. “I know” I am a silly girl. That’s probably why I am in counseling trying to be a part of brokenness. I seem to gravitate towards those more needy, broken, and hurt, ……….even yesterday I came home so excited to tell David, “I met this lady and she has no where to go for Thanksgiving, and her mom died and she’s really sad and can we please please have her over to share Thanksgiving with us, oh please.”…… “and she can go with us to your moms and we can share our family with her” and we will all live happily ever after……….I sometimes crack myself up. I’m such a rare soul and when I tend to love too much, that sometimes means you risk getting hurt somewhere along the lines of miscommunication, because we live in such a world that becomes more and more different than what God had intended.

My life has certainly had some major setbacks, hit some turbulence..... It’s that old saying that mama said “you’ll have days like this”
Through all of this, because I am so familiar with self disclosure, I thought “Ok” “God is preparing me with more self-disclosure” “surely that must be it” he must be getting me ready to understand church and life and the whole interaction of it all. I guess I need to understand the dynamics of this if I want to be an effective Christian Marriage Counselor. It makes sense.

A few things I have learned, is that no matter what I have before me, I am never alone. God has certainly shown me new paths and oh man, have I encountered some personal roadblocks. –But it is with those roadblocks that I am gaining strength to move forward and onward to new directions.
With that said, I am in that “Be still and know” waiting period and I have no answers, no ideas, no clue what, if, how, or where I am headed. All I know is that life for me is at a turning point and we just don’t know where that will take us.

I look back at all the pictures of our time with the youth and what a sweet sweet joy in my heart, to have had many precious years there with such wonderful kids. These were special little blessings, and I will carry these joyous moments with me in my heart. I am so grateful to have been a "Mamarie".... I hope I get to put that on my resume : -)

I’m looking forward to just being a mom, a wife and continue working on becoming a Christian Marriage and Family Therapist. When God calls us, sometimes we think we have better ideas but God convicts you and when taht is scary. In this new calling that he has placed on me, I pray that I am obedient in trust to the path he is preparing before me.

"Be still and know that I am God"



It's Monday! Sorting through finances is such a dreaded thing for me. we are trying so hard to stay humble and keep all of our finances ...