Thursday, May 29, 2008

Simply annoyed

What a night! I'm simply annoyed by the pain, the manner in which I have been let down by my body. How does this happen? Why to me? I had so many expectations for the week. I planned to finish the table, the boards, the lamp for my mom, the painting, repair the back door, paint the kitchen, plant a garden, and for three days I have done nothing other than be tormented by this excruciating pain on my back and now today it has traveled to my shoulder. not related but because I can't sleep straight so I try and sleep twisted to accommodate the area hurt which results in more soreness. On top of all this JD has family picnic today and that is very important to me. I've never missed any of his events. Dave has offered to go in my place and take the green blanket that we always use, his lunch and spend that time with him. Broken hearted I am but happy that JD will have one of us there. I on the other hand will be here at home trying desperately to stretch this mess out in hopes that tonight I may feel no pain. last time this happened it only took 3 days, well it is day 3 and what is taking it soooo long? Sitting here is now painful when it wasn't yesterday. Urkks me. Just simply annoyed by the whole matter. I want my life back!

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It's Monday! Sorting through finances is such a dreaded thing for me. we are trying so hard to stay humble and keep all of our finances ...